Study identifier:D7960C00002 identifier:N/A
EudraCT identifier:N/A
CTIS identifier:N/A
An Open-label, 2-Period, 2-Sequence Cross-over Study to Assess the Effect of AZD0780 on the Pharmacokinetics of Rosuvastatin in Healthy Participants
Phase 1
AZD0780, Rosuvastatin
18 Years - 60 Years
Allocation: Randomized
Endpoint Classification: -
Intervention Model: Crossover Assignment
Masking: -
Primary Purpose: Other
Verified 01 Feb 2023 by AstraZeneca
No locations available
Arms | Assigned Interventions |
Experimental: Treatment sequence A-B Participants will receive treatments in the following sequence, a single dose of rosuvastatin tablet alone (Treatment A) in period 1, and then a single dose of rosuvastatin tablet + Dose X AZD0780 tablet (Treatment B) in period 2. | Drug: AZD0780 AZD0780 will be administered orally as a single dose after an overnight fast of at least 10 hours with approximately 240 mL of water. Drug: Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin will be administered orally as a single dose after an overnight fast of at least 10 hours with approximately 240 mL of water. |
Experimental: Treatment sequence B-A Participants will receive 1 treatment during each study period in the following sequence: a single dose of rosuvastatin tablet + AZD0780 tablet (Treatment B) in period 1 and then a single dose of rosuvastatin tablet alone (Treatment A) in period 2. | Drug: AZD0780 AZD0780 will be administered orally as a single dose after an overnight fast of at least 10 hours with approximately 240 mL of water. Drug: Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin will be administered orally as a single dose after an overnight fast of at least 10 hours with approximately 240 mL of water. |